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Self deployed project
12 months
43 stories
365 days on air
The slightly different report about the most beautiful island in the world.
“Sylt im Gegenlicht” – “Sylt in the back light” – this is a photo reportage, which casts a look behind the scenes of the North Sea island Sylt.
Far away from inflationary motives, the project reveals an imagery portraying the people and places, which glow in the shadow of Sylt's typical facade.
Sylt im Gegenlicht – Interview at the official Leica Camera Blog
Sylt in the backlight, documents the things, that are are hidden and let unknown actors come into the limelight.
Real Sylt-lovers with longing for alternatives to the usual Plakativity and well-known faces and stories, the project offers a refreshing change of perspective.
on air from day one of the production
Over the period of 12 months, according to the photo shoot, individual contributions were published immediately after their production.
An exemplary teaser clip of one story that was told. Each story got it’s own teaser clip that was published on the projects facebook-fanpage to promote the blog-article on the one hand. On the other - every clip was shown in the local cinema theatre in Westerland in front of every movie in every hall.
a photo reportage with voice over function
During a 20-week period selected articles in the Saturday edition of the Sylt Rundschau were published.
At the same time, they were presented and promoted on the online portal of the Schleswig-Holstein publishing house (SH:Z) and the Facebook fan page of the “Sylter Rundschau”.
Over six months, each issue of the “TV Sylt”-Magazine Sylt published multi-page articles.